Events International News

Trade Justice for all

Trade Justice for all: Another world is possible

Saturday 26 October, 1pm – 4pm

UNISON building, Bell Street, Glasgow

With: Jean Blaylock, trade campaigner with Global Justice Now.

As Brexit looms ever closer, the possibility of a UK-US trade deal and the threat that implies to our public services, our food standards, our workers’ rights and much more, becomes very real. A leaked paper from Defra this week suggests that the Westminster government department will be under pressure to lower food standards regulations in order to enable a UK-US deal. This has big implications for Scotland – with food standards one of many devolved policy areas. And if standards were lowered opening our markets up to US agribusiness, then a trade deal with the EU would also become problematic. And of course food standards is just one aspect of the many areas of public policy threatened by a massive UK-US trade deal.

The mass movement against TTIP was huge. We need a similar response to a UK-only deal with Trump, demanding transparency, democratic scrutiny, and that people and planet come before profit!

You are invited to join us in Glasgow, to hear Jean Blaylock, campaigner for Global Justice Now, talk about the current political situation and the dangers of post-Brexit deals with the US and others. Trade Justice Scotland Coalition members will also be on the panel to talk about the ethical principles on which trade deals should be based, the danger to workers’ rights that new trade deals present, and how trade deals should respond to plans for a Green New Deal.

Please book your place here: