Your UNISON branch needs you to participate in one of our aggregate AGM meetings.
- Thursday 15th February, 6:30pm-8pm, Augustine Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
- Tuesday 20th February, 6:30pm-8pm, City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, (Nicolson Square Venue), 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh
- Thursday 29th February, 12:15pm-1:45pm, The City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh
All meetings are in-person. You need only attend one of these meetings.
At the AGM you will elect your branch officers for the following year, contribute to the future work of the branch, you will vote on motions and rule changes. Your active participation in your union is vital.
Annual Report
A copy of the 2024 AGM Agenda and Annual Report will be available on the website on 2nd February 2024. Click here for a copy.
We recognise that to ensure all our members can fully participate it may be necessary to make adjustments. If you require any adjustments, including a signer, please contact the branch at branchoffice@unison-edinburgh.org.uk or call 0131 558 7488 as soon as possible so we can discuss your requirements.
A light buffet and refreshments will be available for the first 50 members at each meeting. Please contact the branch office as soon as possible if you have any dietary requirements and or allergies. We will make every effort to accommodate requests.
A creche will be available at the 15th February meeting for a limited number of children. If you intend to use the creche please contact the branch office before 8th February. The creche cannot be made available to member who have not contacted the office.
Carers allowance is also available for the evening meetings but must be arranged in advance by contacting the branch office.
A good attendance at the Annual General Meeting is essential to the running of the branch.
Please make every effort to attend.

Supplementary Agenda