Sickness absence update

Sickness absence update

A Working Group (Managing Attendance Procedure - Implementation Team) is being set up and all of the trade unions will ...
Edinburgh Budget: Services and living wage best way to help local economy

Edinburgh Budget: Services and living wage best way to help local economy

UNISON has called on today’s Edinburgh Council meeting to protect services and pay a living wage to help boost the ...
Support for Barnet privatisation fight

Support for Barnet privatisation fight

The Branch has sent a message of support to UNISON members on strike in Barnet today against massive privatisation plans ...
UNISON wins more time to put case against sickness absence policy

UNISON wins more time to put case against sickness absence policy

UNISON has won more time to put the union's case against Edinburgh council's proposed new sickness absence policy. At today's ...


There is a drive within the council to reduce absence levels across the council and the current target is 4% ...
Decision day for privatisation

Decision day for privatisation

Reports suggest Edinburgh Council will vote against two huge privatisation plans today. We will wait for the actual vote before ...
UNISON Scotland: UNISON members give green light to pensions negoti...

UNISON Scotland: UNISON members give green light to pensions negoti…

UNISON Scotland: UNISON members give green light to pensions negoti...: Date: 10 January 2012 At meetings today in London, UNISON’s ...
Look back with pride and forward with confidence - message to members from Branch President

Look back with pride and forward with confidence – message to members from Branch President

Branch activists and members can be rightly proud of our successes in 2011. Keeping Edinburgh’s environmental services in-house was a ...
Thanks to all Edinburgh Council members for a great day

Thanks to all Edinburgh Council members for a great day

The turnout to fight for fair pensions exceeded expectations and branch members joined 10,000 other trade unionists for a massive ...
Strike day photos now on website

Strike day photos now on website

Strike day photos are now on the UNISON Edinburgh website and Picasa. See ...