UNISON Regional Organiser
Friday 23 September 2022, saw hundreds of young environmentalists, trade unionists and campaign groups hit the Edinburgh streets in the latest Fridays for Future demonstration. The demonstration took us from the City Chambers down the Mound along Princes Street, Regent Road and finally down to the Scottish Parliament where we heard several speeches from young environmental activists.
Activists spoke about the government’s failures at COP26, UK governments recent approval of offshore drilling, fracking, Bolsonaro’s burning of the Brazilian rainforest and the recent devastating flooding in Pakistan. With COP27 in Egypt starting in a few weeks’ time there is little expectation that politicians will make any progress. Further contributions and concerns came from the LGBT+ and Trans Gender community who highlighted the discriminatory policies of the Tory government.
Lorcan Mullen, UNISON Regional Officer, made a rousing speech highlighting the important role that trade unions have within working environments, recruiting young members into the movement and highlighted the recent industrial action taken by workers in Local Authorities, CWU, RMT, ASLEF and in Further and Higher education. It was a fantastic event and full credit should be given to the organisers. Said Ian Mullen, Branch Health, and Safety Officer”.