News Survey

Want to get more involved with UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch?

Within your branch there are members with established democratically elected positions, as well as many members who help out in an informal way.

Following our AGM meetings, and our last branch committee, we also have several vacant branch officer roles, which are listed below. Do you think this is something you might be interested to find more about?

The branch is also always on the lookout for new stewards, workplace contacts and health and safety reps. It really is the case that the more workplace representatives the branch has, the easier it is to keep in touch and deal with member issues.

A UNISON workplace rep is the most important link between the union and its members. There is so much going on right now, whether that is campaigning on pay, fighting to retain services or reviewing current workplace polices.

If you want to know more about becoming involved and think you have the skills to contribute, or want to develop your skills – please fill in this short survey and we will be in touch:

For any new activists coming in, support is available from your branch. We have excellent training courses run throughout the year. You will get paid time off to attend training and to undertake trade union duties.

The vacant branch posts are: President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson (2) – one of whom should be a woman), Treasurer; Black Members’ Officer; Communications Officer; Equalities Officer; Environment Officer; International Officer; Lifelong Learning Officer; Recruitment/Membership Officer; Young Members Officer and Service Conditions Officer (woman).

A description of each role can be found on our website: Branch officer roles – UNISON City of Edinburgh (

If you’d like to get more involved in UNISON City of Edinburgh, please fill in your details:

I would be happy to talk through the roles with anyone who may be interested.

Tom Connolly
Branch Secretary