equalities Events Year of LGBT+ worker

Year of the LGBT+ Worker’s stall, Waverley Court

Our branch recruitment stall at Waverley

Court on Wednesday 15 May 2024, attracted a lot of attention from both members and potential new members, including apprentices and students from our social work department.

Ian Mullen, branch education officer said, it was great to see so many young workers taking an interest in joining UNISON as they are the future of the branch.

If you are a student or apprentice working with the council and want further details on joining, please call the branch office on 0131 558 7488 or branchoffice@unison-edinburgh.org.uk

The stall was our first promoting UNISONS National Year of the LGBT+ Worker’s campaign, further detail: https://www.unison.org.uk/about/what-we-do/fairness-equality/lgbt/ We were joined by colleagues from UNISON SEPA branch as SEPA recently moved into Waverley Court.