Local Government Pay 2024 News

Fair Pay for All: Waste & Recycling to be Balloted for Strike Action

We’re at a pivotal moment in our campaign for fair pay, and your support is absolutely crucial. Today, we’ve taken a bold step by notifying the City of Edinburgh Council that UNISON members in Waste and Recycling Services will be balloted for strike action over pay. Together, we can make a real difference in winning fair compensation not just for ourselves, but for all council workers.

Key Dates for Waste and Recycling Workers:

  • Ballot papers will be dispatched starting June 10th. Look out for a blue UNISON branded envelope.
  • Your paper ballot must be returned, using the prepaid return envelope, by July 1st.

This means that strike action could be on the horizon as soon as mid-to-late-July, potentially impacting major summer events like the Edinburgh Festival.

Why Strike? The current offer from COSLA falls significantly short of what we deserve. It’s a mere 2.2% increase for the first six months of this year and a paltry 2% increase for the following year. This offer not only fails to meet our 7% demand but also lags behind inflation, effectively slashing our real wages.

Standing in Solidarity Remember, this strike isn’t just about Waste and Recycling staff. It’s about advocating for fair pay across all council roles. By standing together and taking action, we’re fighting for fair pay for every single council worker.

Future Ballots Ahead Our fight doesn’t end here. UNISON will also consider balloting workers in Education and Health and Social Care in future strike ballots. This is our united effort to ensure that every member receives the fair pay they rightfully deserve.

Your Vote Counts! Each and every vote in this ballot of Waste and Recycling staff counts. It’s our chance to send a clear and resounding message to COSLA that we demand better treatment and fair compensation for all council workers.

Vote YES to Strike Action! Together, we can make a difference. By voting YES to strike action, you’re standing up not just for yourself, but for every council worker who deserves fair pay.

Let’s Fight for Fair Pay! Our strength lies in our unity. Let’s stand together, show our solidarity, and fight for the fair pay and recognition we all deserve.

Our branch officers and organisers will be reaching out to members in waste to ensure they return their ballots. We need a strong turnout to secure a legal mandate to strike.

Keep updated with key developments on our social media, website, and broadcast WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HIsKliheZzn8y3vDEp4HyD