All members are urged to attend the Annual General Meeting of the branch which will be held across seven aggregate meetings to offer members venues and times that may be more convenient in terms of geography and working patterns. Members need only attend one of the meetings. If they wish, they may attend more than one aggregate meeting but may only vote at one of them and can only be included in the quorum for one of them.
Wednesday 19 February 2020 12:15 – 13:45, WHEC, 5 Murrayburn Drive, Edinburgh
Thursday 20 February 2020 12:15 – 13:45 or 14:30 – 16:00, North East Locality Office, 101 Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh
Wednesday 26 February 2020 12:15 – 13:45, Council Chambers, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh
Thursday 27 February 2020 12:15 – 13:45 or 14:30 – 16:00, North West Locality Office, 8 West Pilton Gardens, Edinburgh

Thursday 27 February 2020 18:30 – 20:00, Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh
The agenda and order of business of each aggregate meeting will be identical and the results of voting will be the total of votes cast across all of the meetings. The quorum is 150 and the total number of qualifying members attending the aggregate meetings will define whether that quorum is met.
The names of members attending at each meeting will be recorded. To avoid duplication of vote counting, each eligible member will be allocated a voting entitlement card when they are registered for the meeting.
Members can only be admitted to the meeting on production of their current membership card or pay slip showing UNISON deductions and if their name appears on the branch list.
The agenda on the following pages includes nominations, motions and rule changes received by the closing date in the prelim

inary notice. Any amendments will be posted on the website and circulated at the meeting.
Any two members can propose amendments to motions. These must be in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder and arrive at the Branch Office by Noon, Monday 10 February 2019. Questions on the Annual Report and Financial Statement* must be received by noon on Monday 17 February to ensure the information is available for a response.
Creche/ Carers Allowance
A creche is being arranged for the 27 February 18.30 meeting. Members intending to use the creche should inform the branch office by Noon on Tuesday 11 February.
For safety reasons, the creche cannot be made available to members who have not contacted the office. Carers allowance is also available for this meeting but must be arranged in advance with the branch office.
All buildings have wheelchair access. If any member has any special requirements, please contact the branch office as soon as possible so that efforts can be made to provide them.
A good attendance at the Annual General Meeting is essential to the running of the branch. Please make every effort to attend to set your policies and to ensure that the branch can elect its officers and have its structures in place to meet this year’s challenges.
Yours sincerely
Tom Connolly
Branch Secretary
* The Financial Statement will be in the supplementary agenda.
PRELIMINARY NOTICE: A preliminary notice was published on 9 December 2019 (click here)