
EqualitiesThe branch equalities officer is supported by a committee made up of reps from each stewards committee, branch officers and reps from the self organised groups. The post is part of the service conditions team so it is central to branch negotiations. The branch equalities officer is Mark Laidlaw.

Self Organised Groups

Women | LGBT+ | Disabled Members | Black Members

To make sure all our members have a voice in the union, UNISON members have set up ‘self-organised groups’ to provide a voice for people who are traditionally under represented.

UNISON has groups at national, regional and branch level for women, LGBT+ members, black members and disabled members. These groups are designed to be self-organising but also integral to the union’s structures. The branch encourages the formation of all of these groups.

If you are interested in any of the groups, if you would like mailings or if you want to record any needs to facilitate your involvement in the union, please contact the equalities officer.

Equalities Committee

The committee’s role is to work in consultation with self organised groups to promote improvements in conditions for disadvantaged groups and to ensure equality is an issue considered in any negotiations. The equalities officer is a member of the service conditions team.

The equalities committee also has a role to act as a ‘clearing house’ for information on equalities issues and ensure that this is channelled into Branch activities and committees.

Equalities officer

The equalities officer is Mark Laidlaw. For further details call the branch office on 0131 558 7888.


thumbnail of LGBT+ Calendar from April 2024

LGBT+ Calendar 2024

At UNISON, we take great pride in leading the charge for equality and inclusion for everyone. As we explore the ... Read More
Ramadan 2024: Your rights at work

Ramadan 2024: Your rights at work

ACAS and EHRC guidance provides employers with a range of best practices during the holy month, for example, by allowing ... Read More
International Women’s Day - Friday 8th March 2024

International Women’s Day – Friday 8th March 2024

International women's day was born from the trade union movement. UNISON has put together a timeline of some of the ... Read More
A union that keeps making LGBT+ history

A union that keeps making LGBT+ history

It’s LGBT History Month, so there’s no better time to explore UNISON’s contribution to the struggle for equality. February is ... Read More
Raising awareness of racism in the workplace

Raising awareness of racism in the workplace

Scottish black members committee have produced this video on raising awareness of racism and racial discrimination in the workplace. The ... Read More
LGBT+ History Month 2024

LGBT+ History Month 2024

For UNISON, LGBT+ History Month is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible achievements and progress made by the ... Read More
Year of the Black Workers & Pay Campaign Stall

Year of the Black Workers & Pay Campaign Stall

The stall highlighted our 2023, pay campaign and industrial action ballot for school support staff, which closes on the 25 ... Read More
UNISON National LGBT+ Conference 2023

UNISON National LGBT+ Conference 2023

UNISON's LGBT+ Conference 2023 will be held at the ACC Liverpool Conference Centre, from 1:30pm on Friday 10th November until ... Read More
