Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week begins on Monday 13 May 2024. This is an issue that is increasingly impacting our members ...
Workers Memorial Day

Branch lays wreath to remember the dead and fight for the living

UNISON Edinburgh health and safety officer Ian Mullen laid a wreath on behalf of the branch today on International Workers' ...
Workers' Memorial Day 2020

28 April minute’s silence to honour all workers who have died from coronavirus

UNISON and other unions are asking you to join us on Tue 28 April at 11am for a minute's silence ...
Justice for Grenfell

Grenfell not only a tragedy, it’s a crime

Ian Mullen, branch health and safety convener, made this speech at the Grenfell Tower vigil in Edinburgh on 14 June ...
UNISON News Sept/Oct 2017

Members’ briefing September 2017

Latest UNISON briefing for City of Edinburgh Council members with information regarding: UNISON urges re-think on library cuts Come to ...
UNISON Scotland: The reality of sickness absence – shocking survey ...

UNISON Scotland: The reality of sickness absence – shocking survey …

UNISON Scotland: The reality of sickness absence – shocking survey ...: Date: 28 March 2012 Nearly half of public sector ...
UNISON Scotland: UNISON launches safety guide for social workers

UNISON Scotland: UNISON launches safety guide for social workers

UNISON Scotland: UNISON launches safety guide for social workers: "UNISON Scotland will today (Monday) launch a guide to help social ...
Decent Work Day - today and every day‏

Decent Work Day – today and every day‏

Decent Work Day - today and every day‏ Today trade unions across the world are mobilising to tackle the global ...