featured News

Pay Award 2019/21 Consolidation of the Scottish Local Government Living Wage

You will have seen that the Chief Executive issued a statement on the councils Newsbeat regarding the Consolidation of the

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equalities Events News

International Women’s Day 2021 UNISON City of Edinburgh celebrates women workers

From getting the vote, to achieving protections and rights at work and at home has never come easy. Making up

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Health and Safety

UNISON urges HSE to improve COVID guidance for employers

The union is highlighting the particular risk to vulnerable workers UNISON has written to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

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featured News

Join our campaign to protect council services & fill in our workplace survey

UNISON wants to know what issues City of Edinburgh council staff face so we can effectively support you to resolve

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News Press release

Edinburgh Tory hypocrisy as they clap workers on a Thursday and slap them on Monday, says UNISON

UNISON’s Edinburgh Council branch has reacted angrily to attacks on council workers by Conservative leader Ian Whyte in the Evening

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