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Annual General Meeting 2021

All members are urged to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the branch which will take place online via ...
Annual General Meeting 2021 Preliminary Notice

Annual General Meeting 2021 Preliminary Notice

The UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place online due to the current health ...
#PlugTheGap - Local Government Question Time

#PlugTheGap – Local Government Question Time

#PlugTheGap Local Government Question Time event is taking place this Thursday 12th November at 6pm, featuring COSLA Resources Spokesperson Gail ...
Communities & Families - Online Meeting

Communities & Families – Online Meeting

For those returning to work – or working alongside colleagues as they come back into the workplace – we need ...


UNISON branch officers took some time during their weekly call to remember George Floyd. George was an unarmed black man ...
STUC May Day Online Event

STUC May Day Online Event

#keyworkerheroes Friday, 1 May is May Day STUC Live Event The STUC has joined up with Trades Councils from Aberdeen, ...
Workers' Memorial Day 2020

28 April minute’s silence to honour all workers who have died from coronavirus

UNISON and other unions are asking you to join us on Tue 28 April at 11am for a minute's silence ...


UNISON City of Edinburgh branch is maintaining regular dialogue with our employers as part of the emergency response to the ...
thumbnail of Aggregate AGM Recall Poster

Recall Annual General Meeting

The branch’s Annual General Meeting will be held across three aggregate meetings, members can attend any one. • Tuesday 24th ...
Budget union deputation Full Council 20th February 2020

Budget union deputation Full Council 20th February 2020

Joint Trade Unions Staff Side Secretary February 2020 City of Edinburgh Council Budget Response The trade unions have serious concerns ...