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Take One Action! Film Festival 12th – 23rd September 2018

The UK’s leading global change film festival returns next month with a powerful programme exploring women’s empowerment, climate change and ...
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Grenfell A Crime Not Just A Tragedy

Edinburgh remembers Grenfell one year on.  Truth, justice and homes for the victims!  Joint the Silent vigil at 6pm on ...
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International Workers Memorial Day

International Workers' Memorial Day Edinburgh Commemoration 12:30 Saturday 28th April 2018 IWMD Memorial Tree West Princes Street Gardens Edinburgh Midlothian ...
thumbnail of FM Janitor meeting Nov 27th

Meeting: Janitors and The Facilities Management Review

27 Nov 6.30pm - 7.30pm: A joint meeting of UNISON and UNITE Janitorial staff has been organised to discuss the ...
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UN International Day of Older Persons’

To mark UN International Older People’s Day 2017, the Scottish Pensioners' Forum, in conjunction with the STUC and other  affiliates ...
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Members drop-in advice surgery

UNISON members advice surgeries will be held in Waverley Court between 12 noon - 2pm on the first Monday of ...
Pay Up Now rally

Pay up Now! March & Rally 7 Oct Edinburgh

March & Rally: Saturday 7 October 2017, New assembly time 11.00am, Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh - Marching off at 11.45. For ...
People's Assembly

National Demonstration Against Austerity – Manchester 1st October 2017

A National Demonstration opposing the politics of austerity has been arranged at 12 noon on Sunday 1st October 2017, the ...