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UNISON News – June 2018

Talks go on to get a better pay offer UNISON wins major travel costs deal for social care staff Pupil ...
Place update May 2018

UNISON News – May 2018

Place Department members' update: Covering Health and Safety; Winter Operations; School Crossing Review; Waste and Street Cleaning Making sure new sites have ...
Pay Up Now

Pay 2018 – Talks continue to seek decent rise

Discussions on a pay rise for Council workers continue. The union negotiators have met with the Council negotiators and the ...
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Grenfell A Crime Not Just A Tragedy

Edinburgh remembers Grenfell one year on.  Truth, justice and homes for the victims!  Joint the Silent vigil at 6pm on ...
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Scottish Women’s Networking Day

2 June 2018 Glasgow Caledonian University. UNISON has over 70% women in its membership and the Scottish Women’s Committee is ...
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Pay Claim Update 2018

Local Government Pay You will be aware that UNISON, along with the other trade unions representing members in Local Government, ...
AGM 2018

Thanks for attending the AGM

The recall AGM on 13 March 2018 went ahead and many thanks to all who attended and made it quorate ...
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ViSOR Vetting update for members

Member update on Criminal Justice Visor Vetting. UNISON has a lead officer from the Regional Office assisting with ViSOR and the ...
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UNISON News March 2018

Your March UNISON News is now online covering... Recall AGM Tues 13 March 6.30, Methodist Church 25 Nicolson Square Deserved thanks ...

Update: Adverse weather contact details and advice

UPDATE 5 March: The  branch office is open again now. It may take a bit of time to catch up ...