Tom Connolly

Budget union deputation full council 22 Feb 2018

Trade Union Deputation – Tom Connolly (UNISON) Staff Side Secretary Impact of Austerity in Scotland The budget allocation from the ...

Local Government Pay Claim Survey 2018

On 12 January 2018 UNISON, along with the other Scottish Local Government trade unions, submitted a pay claim for a ...
thumbnail of H&S Thinking of Becoming a Rep A4

Health & Safety Nominations

Health & Safety Representatives Elections for Health & Safety Representatives should take place each year after the Branch AGM. All current ...

Budget lobby 09.00 Thursday 22 Feb, City Chambers

Lobby against the silent slaughter of council services. Despite the spin, the truth is that council services are being cut again ...
UNISON speaking up for services

UNISON speaking up for services

You can help by coming to the AGM on Monday 19th 6.30 Methodist Church Nicolson Square ...
Standing up for public services

Budget: Scottish government can’t escape blame for cuts

As Edinburgh council announces budget plans, UNISON, the largest union in the council, is warning that the effect of year ...
Tom Connolly

Councillors must protect services and redress pay cuts

UNISON deputation to Edinburgh Council Finance and Resources Committee on Thursday 08/02/18, led by branch secretary Tom Connolly. Impact of ...
thumbnail of Facilities Management Update 9 Feb 2018

Facilities Management Update

Click here for an update on the Facilities Management Review ...
thumbnail of Bargaining-Briefing-Cuts-Impact-Jan-2018

Budget 2018/19 Damaging impact of unfair council cuts

UNISON branches are campaigning hard against looming council budget cuts that will see more jobs lost and increasing damage to ...
Pay Up Now

Unions submit local government 2018 pay claim

Trade unions representing local government workers across Scotland (UNISON, Unite and GMB) have submitted their pay claim to local government ...