FE Q&A: Pay rise 2017 and more on annual leave

FE Q&A: Pay rise 2017 and more on annual leave

Questions and Answers Click here to recruit a friend and win £100 An NJNC Joint Secretary’s implementation note is in ...
Fair Pay

Ballot vote for pay action beaten by turnout law

UNISON’s Scottish Local Government Committee met in Glasgow on 31 May 2017, to consider the local government industrial ballot result ...
Jannies leaflet

One Janitor, One School – and keep our school cleaners

UNISON believes new council proposals will contain swingeing cuts to cleaning hours in schools and a shift system that would ...

(no title)

Welcome to UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch website. We are the biggest union in the City of Edinburgh Council,  representing ...
Edinburgh Health and Social Care Inspection response

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Inspection response

Many of the issues raised in the inspection published today mirror issues raised by UNISON over recent months and years, ...
Press Release

UNISON Edinburgh says ‘One janitor, one school and keep our school cleaners’

UNISON's Edinburgh branch, the union representing council staff, fears new council proposals will mean Edinburgh's schools will no longer have ...
5 reasons to vote

National Executive Election 3 April – 28 April 2017 – Use your vote.

It is time to choose who speaks for you. UNISON is a democratic organisation. That means that you elect people ...
NEC elections: 5 reasons to vote

Vote in the UNISON NEC elections! Who the branch nominated

It is time to vote for your National Executive members. The NEC is the union's lay governing body. NEC members ...
Budget lobby

Edinburgh budget response: Defending services or administering austerity?

UNISON's Tom Connolly made the following submission to Edinburgh City Council's budget meeting today as Joint Trade Unions Staff Side ...
Press Release

UNISON lobbies Council Budget Meeting – Stand up for local services

UNISON, the union representing Edinburgh Council workers, will lobby the City of Edinburgh Council’s budget meeting on Thursday 9 February, ...