News Press release

Edinburgh Tory hypocrisy as they clap workers on a Thursday and slap them on Monday, says UNISON

UNISON’s Edinburgh Council branch has reacted angrily to attacks on council workers by Conservative leader Ian Whyte in the Evening

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A Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year to all our members

… and especially to those working to keep Scotland’s essential services going over the holiday. ‘Council Matters’ A moving Tony

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We condemn the insulting concept of a Pay Freeze and we will react to any other threat to our Pay and Benefits

UNISON Deputation to City of Edinburgh Council Full Council Meeting 10 December 2020 The local joint trade unions welcome the

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Events News

#PlugTheGap – Local Government Question Time

#PlugTheGap Local Government Question Time event is taking place this Thursday 12th November at 6pm, featuring COSLA Resources Spokesperson Gail

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Watch and share our campaign video: Plug the £1bn council funding gap

UNISON’s campaign is calling for: Securing the long term financial stability of local government: calling for further investment in local government

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