Tag: Health and Social Care

Registered with SSSC? – Don’t leave it too late to join UNISON
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Newsletter is reminding people "Don’t leave it too late to join a union" as ...

Budget: Scottish government can’t escape blame for cuts
As Edinburgh council announces budget plans, UNISON, the largest union in the council, is warning that the effect of year ...

UNISON survey shows social care staff overworked and demoralised
A UNISON survey of Edinburgh Council's Health and Social Care workers has concluded that they feel 'Overworked, over-pressured, unsupported and ...

Adopt the Residential Care Charter
Commissioning authorities and employers are being urged to adopt UNISON's Residential Care Charter. Residential care workers across the UK came ...

Budget: We don’t get to say ‘no cuts’ in the consultation
UNISON response to Edinburgh budget proposals: The prospect of £140m of cuts over the next five years, added to the ...

Social Work
UNISON represents over 3,000 Social Work staff in the City of Edinburgh Council and a range of voluntary and independent ...

Social Care in Edinburgh – UNISON response
UNISON response to council leader’s statement regarding social care provision in Edinburgh. UNISON City of Edinburgh is relieved that the ...

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Inspection response
Many of the issues raised in the inspection published today mirror issues raised by UNISON over recent months and years, ...

Survey – Mental Health Issues in the Practice Teams. October 2016
Health & Social Care Departmental sickness figures had been presented to the trade unions for the previous few years, and ...

Health and Social Care organisational review
HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE ORGANISATIONAL REVIEW As you may know by now, the Health & Social Care department is undergoing ...